- A new lightweight option (TEAMS Professional) is now available and may be purchased by individual schools. This cost effective option for TEAMS contains all the basic features schools need to conduct annual teacher evaluations following the Danielson framework. Customers can now choose to add enterprise features at their own pace and budget.
- Onboarding process for new customers is now automated; Customers are encouraged to share this information with their partners who wish to sign-up and try TEAMS for themselves by visiting www.teams-hub.com.
- A common user experience that integrates reporting and search features previously found in other modules. Users will be able to search for instructional and professional development content without navigating to a different application.
- Custom Reporting is now available for TEAMS; Administrators can access any custom reports from the Administration > Reports menu.
- Instructional and professional development content is now searched within the evaluations Hub by using the search bar located on the menu.
- Improved support for mobile devices. Features in TEAMS will be responsive to various screen sizes and devices including mobile phones, tablets and desktops.
- Professional development resources for any employee can now be recommended, assigned and tracked during the evaluation or ad-hoc from the search results.
- Access to premium professional content from ASCD. Hundreds of tutorial videos and full length courses aligned with standards will be available to evaluators and administrators both as recommendations during the evaluation process and for ad-hoc discovery and assignment part projects and professional growth plans.
- Premium professional development content from ASCD is available for preview for all users; please contact the help desk for more information on how to subscribe to a channel of resources.
- Districts have greater control over their settings and accounts. Administrative and back-office functions such as instructional content management, professional development resource management, administrative and usage reports, and system logs / information will be made available to the district’s account administrators or IT support staff.
- Override any employee’s evaluation status to handle exceptions.
- Create and/or customize evaluation standards, rubrics and autocorrelation keywords.
- Add/modify users of TEAMS using the employee roster
- See all teachers who have scored or unscored classroom observations, teachers who need final evaluation forms, and view observations or evaluations in various statuses (Not Started, In Process, Complete)
- Manage cohorts of evaluations and initialize new school year (without having to contact the help desk) from the Administration > Settings menu
- Write School and Gap SLOs, and review teacher and principal SOL statuses
- New and improved support center. User guides, troubleshooting and other product documentation will be published as articles and organized in a new knowledge base and support center that anyone case use to get help, add comments, ask questions or report an issue.
- Support and Training documentation has been consolidated into an online knowledge base @ http://teamshelp.zendesk.com;
- Custom help documents created by customers are now linked from the system menu, to make an article suggestion please contact the help desk.
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