- School SLOs are now displayed on the Teacher Dashboard
- Principal SLOs are now updated when score changes or deleted
- Observations list now identity if they are announced on the summary page
- Teachers can now view walkthoughs from previous years
- Search bar has been removed from the menu, to search for resources use the search box on the default dashboard (home page).
- Previously, observers couldunlock observations if they open a completed observation and click on the Correlate button. Now, the Correlate button is disabled for completed observations. If a user unlocks the observation (thus making it an In Process observation), the Correlate button will become enabled.
Bug Fixes
- Sporadic performance issues on login and logout have been resolved
- General system performance improvements.
- In some cases, the PD Recommendations page was taking ~35 seconds (it displays the loading spinner), this has been corrected.
- Teachers from a different cohort showing as being evaluated even though cohort was changed by administrator
- Walk though page shows 'Name:' and 'Tenured:' with blank values
- Environment name used for debugging was displayed in email subject in Production
- Completed walkthrough does not show up when expanding therefore the principal cannot print or access the completed walkthrough
- General UI changes to improve spelling, grammar, layout and usability issues
- Fixed issues with observation summary report should have a section above "School" which lists "Observer's name", formatting changes for teacher name and ID
- Clicking Back button after correlating text, the user is taken to the scoring page of the PP Observation and should take the user to the observation textarea page so they can adjust the text as needed.
- After clicking “Print” to view Observation Summary the pdf downloads to users computer. When trying to open PDF user receives error message “The File Is Damaged or Cannot Be Repaired”
- Vertical scroll missing from Scoring page rubric
- Edit icon on the SLO page of Teacher view not working in some situations
- The system did no copy the teacher when the PP observation is completed. The expected result is that the system should send an email to the teacher (CC: observer) when the observer clicks Complete on the form. This was working previously but is no longer working.
- When trying to save or submit pre-observation form the user gets an error code - see screenshot pre-obs error.
- Cancel button on the create SLO section is not working
- The apostrophe is double in the textarea after clicking correlate.
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