- District and school administrative features (employees, projects, reports and system settings) can now be found under the Administration Menu.
- District Administrators dashboard now includes a tools section for quick access to tools (pdfs) that can be downloaded for local use
- Administrative assistants are now displayed in the principal view of the Vice Principal Dashboard. Principals can review and score projects and initiatives for administrative assistants at their school.
- Portfolio scores now support decimal values
- Start time of observations can be modified after the fact if necessary
- Various performance and system optimization changes
- SLO Menu header has been renamed to “Student Growth”
- Confirmation dialogue is now displayed when recommending resources during an evaluation
Bug Fixes
- Cancel button does not become active when principal selects a score from initiatives list
- District administrators cannot see initiatives column that principals see on the vp dashboard page
- Administrative Assistants not displaying on District Principal's Dashboard (district admin view)
- SMAD score not displaying on District Principal's Dashboard (district admin view)
- Principal view of VP Dashboard did not display administrative assistant users. This page now displays admin assistants (along with vice principals), and the principal can review and/or score the admin assistant initiatives and project
- Principal view of VP Dashboard not displaying School SLO, Gap SLO, or SMAD data for vice principal or administrative assistant users
- Principal and Vice Principal data (school SLOs, Gap SLO score) not displaying on the District Principal's Dashboard
- In certain situations evaluations text does not save
- Rescore SLO button not appearing when score is 0
- Override or manually enter missing evaluation scores for specific teachers per request by district administrator
- In rare situations, teachers next school assignment displays wrong school
- Ready report shows different scores in the dashboard than the ready status report
- Intermittent navigation issues when closing modal windows
- Vice principals cannot enter comments into EOY worksheets
- Employee Roster search not working when enter key is used
- In certain situations users are able to access their deleted evaluations
- LTI Player prompting user to login
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