Vice principals can create and manage their Professional Practice Priority Initiatives at any time using the Principal Dashboard or the Professional Practice submenu.
To access your Professional Practice Priority Initiatives from the main menu, log into the Evaluations Hub, hover your cursor over the 'Professional Practice' main menu item, hover over 'My Initiatives', and click on "Priority Initiatives" (shown below).
To access your Professional Practice Priority Initiatives from the Principal Dashboard, log into the Evaluations Hub, hover your cursor over the 'Dashboard' main menu item, and click 'Principal Dashboard'. Once in the Principal Dashboard, click on the icon for "Priority Initiatives" directly underneath your school name. This is shown below.
In the image above, the vice principal has not yet started their Priority Initiatives, but they have created their project.
The red x icon indicates that Professional Practice Priority Initiatives have not yet been started. The green check mark icon indicates an existing or completed Professional Practice Priority Initiative.
When creating or editing Professional Practice Priority Initiatives, click inside of the text field to enter text and click 'Save' to save them at any time. Enter as many lines as needed, up to 10 lines as shown in the image below. After clicking 'Save' you may leave the page and come back to edit the Professional Practice Priority Initiatives as needed.
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